Service Dog Registration for Harley

Handler Information:
Name: LoDik Yuen
Address: 5778 Chester St
City, State, ZIP Code: Vancouver BC, Canada
Phone Number: 6725155834
Email Address:
Service Dog Information:
Name: Harley
Breed: Rat Terrier
Service Dog ID Number: 215479
Certification Details:
This is to certify that Harley, a rat terrier, has been trained and certified as a service dog to assist LoDik Yuen with [undisclosed] neurodegenerative condition.
Harley has successfully completed medical alert, psychiatric alert and public safety training as set out by ADI guidelines under accredited trainer Andres Joseph of ADA Canine Academy.
While assistance dog training is an ongoing process, in the 8 week program set by her trainer, Harley has demonstrated the ability to perform the necessary tasks to aid LoDik Yuen and is certified as a working assistance animal.
Training Organization: ADACA
Name: Andres Joseph
Address: 5231 San Pedro St
City, State, ZIP Code: Los Angeles CA, 90356
Phone Number: 4422745834
Certification Date: July 1, 2024
ADA#: 215479
Owner: LoDik Yuen
Breed: Rat Terrier
Country: Canada
Dog Training Status: My Dog Is Already Trained
Territory: British Columbia
Registration Type: Service Dog Registration
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