PTSD Assistance Dog Registration for Cudge
This friendly female Cudge, Alerts when having an episode of trichotillomania, or PTSD related flashback by standing on back legs and attempting to get my attention with front paws. Very persistent as she\\\’ll then try to crawl in my lap and give me hugs and kisses.
Trained to calm me, ground me, while doing EMDR sessions by sitting directly in front of me. She signals to me by standing on hind legs and lifting her front paw in a throwing upward motion whenever she senses any anxiety or episodes coming on. Loves to get me up and moving in times of depression by hitting me with her nose and running away or bouncing back. Then we chase each other back and forth.
Well trained, Cudge will stay next to me without any harnesses. A simple whistle is all I need for her to come cuddle in times of distress. Super sweet and loyal. Very smart she knows exactly how to get her needs met effectively by way of certain actions and sounds.
Dosnt bark but gets excited to see friends and family and will wiggle standing on hind legs making a small whine. Shes very vocal to me but only sometimes to others. Sounds like shes saying Mom when she wants to get my attention.
ADA#: 90530
Owner: Dominique Polk
Breed: Rat Terrier
Country: United States
State: Missouri
Dog Training Status: My Dog Requires No Training (Emotional Support) *
Registration Type: PTSD Assistance Dog Registration
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