Service Dog Registration for Copper

I bought Copper when he was 9 weeks old. I kept him in a kennel his first several months because I couldn’t be there as much with him. We clicked right off, he was already sticking to my heels every chance he was around me. When I moved into the home he was residing at, we became best, best friends! I went through a terrible and stressful time in my life in which I lost over half of my hair. Copper was always there by my side. Not in a way that most dogs are just there, he knew when I was hurting. He knew every single time I was upset or getting upset, or angry, or any emotion. He shows up and bumps my chin and makes me acknowledge him and his love. He calms me in a way that no person can at times. I’ve been through some terrible trauma in my childhood that still haunts me today, and copper soothes those thoughts and feelings of something bad fixing to happen. Let’s just say I think he will be the best friend I have till he’s no longer here. I love him and he loves me. Copper will forever be my best friend and I love that dog so much. ???
ADA#: 214652
Owner: Mandy Kitts
Breed: Americanenglishcoon
Country: United States
State: Virginia
Dog Training Status: My Dog Is Already Trained
Registration Type: Service Dog Registration
Service Type: Psychiatric Disabilities
Photos Of Copper
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