Service Dog Registration for ALLIE

Allie is a Yorkshire Terrier. Her breed is known for being fiercely loyal and protective. She is 2 years old and although small is brave and supportive.
A famous Yorkshire Terrier named \”smokey\” was a 4 lb hero of WW2 and was the first recorded therapy dog. Her service began in 1944 at the 233rd Station Hospital in New Guinea, where she accompanied nurses to see incoming battlefield casualties. Dr Charles Mayo allowed smokey to make rounds and permitted her to sleep in the hospital bed with her owner Willian Lynne. Smokeys work continued for 12 years after WW2.
ADA#: 213701
Owner: Mark McDaniel
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Country: United States
State: West Virginia
Dog Training Status: My Dog Is In Training **
Registration Type: Service Dog Registration
Service Type: PTSD
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