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Dogs could get separation anxiety

April 23, 2020

Fido may get frantic when the coronavirus quarantining ends. While isolated humans can’t wait until the end of work-from-home culture, canine experts say that lifting shelter-in-place restrictions could conversely cause “extreme separation anxiety” in the millions of dogs who’ve grown accustomed to their owners’ constant companionship during lockdown. “With such an overload of quality time with […]

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Stay-at-home service dog training

April 23, 2020

Eric Caron, a retired guidance counselor who has been blind since birth, recently moved to a new home. He noticed his guide dog, a yellow Labrador retriever named Ryan, had trouble leading him across a busy intersection he must cross regularly. Caron knew what that meant: It was time to retire Ryan, a near-senior citizen […]

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Puppy serves as comfort dog

April 23, 2020

Last fall, Jennifer Perry’s Labrador retriever mix, Paisley, was diagnosed with a heart condition. Perry, a counselor and forensic interviewer at the Nampa Family Justice Center, said one of the side effects of the condition is the possibility of sudden death. Paisley, now 13 years old and a certified therapy dog, had been helping Perry […]

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Guide for Getting a Puppy

April 23, 2020

 Royal Frenchel has announced the release of their most recent infographic: A Checklist For A New Puppy. The infographic breaks down the items needed and offers tips for training them, so your experience will be both rewarding and enjoyable. According to Royal Frenchel, “When training a puppy, it is important to make training a positive […]

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Dogs helping people cope

April 23, 2020

Psychologists say pets can help get people through COVID-19 isolation. Are our four-legged friends really helping us deal with the loss of normality Psychologists say our pets more special than you think? Baby Capris just turned nine-weeks old. A Great Dane, this bundle of cuteness is keeping the Wennmacher family busy during Illinois’s shelter-in order. […]

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Getting along with your pets?

April 23, 2020

Researchers at Memorial University are collaborating on an international dual studies that will shed some light on how humans interact with their cats and dogs. Caroyln Walsh of the Department of Psychology’s Canine Research Unit expects most people who complete the questionnaires are likely to be devoted pet owners. But with 16 countries participating, she […]

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Service Dogs Ready

April 23, 2020

Service dogs are a lifeline for many veterans, especially those with post-traumatic stress disorder. While many people are still getting used to social distancing measures, these human-dog teams do them every single day. Rhonda Lockwood was in the Army for 20 years before retiring in 2003. She struggled in the years that followed, and was […]

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16 surprising therapy and emotional support animals

April 22, 2020

Though dogs are the most common therapy animal, plenty of other animals support their owners. Pet Partners told ABC News that, “dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, rats, miniature pigs, llamas, alpacas, horses, donkeys and mini-horses” can all be therapy animals. There are important distinctions between therapy animals and emotional support animals. Therapy animals have […]

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Seeking emotional support from animals at local shelter

April 22, 2020

  More than four hundred cats and dogs are currently at Burlington Animal Services. For some students, the pitter-patter of paws is a comfort left at home. Research by Ohio State University says a quarter of college students find their pets help them through difficult times. November is national adopt a senior pet month. With […]

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‘Sister Wives’ Fans Agree Dogs Like Mosby Are Lifesavers During COVID-19 Epidemic

April 22, 2020

Sister Wives fans know that Meri Brown dotes on Mosby and the other dog that lives with Mariah. She shares photos of Mosby as often as she gets to see the little pooch. Actually, she’d love a dog for herself but resisted the temptation. Now, her fans agree that dogs like Mosby are lifesavers during the […]

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Coronavirus: Service dog in training comforts staff at Denver hospital

April 22, 2020

A doctor raising a service dog in training has enlightened the mood at the hospital where she works by bringing the pup to work amid fear from the coronavirus. Dr. Susan Ryan is raising Wynn, a 1-year-old Labrador retriever, for Canine Companions for Independence, KDVR reported. The organization provides the dogs at no cost to […]

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When I’m Stressed or Anxious, My Guinea Pig, Dewey, Helps Me

April 22, 2020

I’m a happily married mom of two boys. On any given day, I am called to be a chauffeur, cook, referee, accountant, or nurse for my family. And for the most part, I juggle it all well. But sometimes my anxiety and depression get the better of me, and for that I turn to Dewey. […]

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All dogs are emotional support animals right now

April 22, 2020

The world may feel like it’s falling apart outside, but my dogs remain blissfully ignorant. They, are currently living their absolute best life and could not be happier with this whole quarantine business. Let’s be honest, the dogs are the real winners of this whole debacle. I have no wise words or keen insight about […]

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How To Clip Black Nails

April 22, 2020

This is our lovely little Yorkie, Patty. Patty has all black nails. Black nails are obviously the hardest to clip because it is not possible to locate the quick before trimming the nail. In this video we show you how to properly and safely achieve a nail clip when all of the nails are black. […]

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Dogs could get extreme separation anxiety when quarantine ends

April 22, 2020

Fido may get frantic when the coronavirus quarantining ends. While isolated humans can’t wait until the end of work-from-home culture, canine experts say that lifting shelter-in-place restrictions could conversely cause “extreme separation anxiety” in the millions of dogs who’ve grown accustomed to their owners’ constant companionship during lockdown. “With such an overload of quality time […]

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Woman faces bill to fly her pooch

April 21, 2020

An Australian woman who lived in New York is facing a $9,500 bill to fly her beloved pooch down under after she was locked out of the flight ban. Georgie Boyd, 29, was in London trying to renew her visa when flights from Europe to the US were cancelled. The wedding planner was forced to […]

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Pets helping?

April 21, 2020

During these times, there is not much to do but stay inside or go shopping for essential living supplies. But there’s something that could help ease the boredom of staying home all the time: pets. According to the Health For Animals Global Animal Medicines Association, pets “provide us with companionship but also with emotional support, […]

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Rural dog enters city

April 21, 2020

On March 10, a dog living just outside Nelson city limits crossed into the city, entered Danka Merunka’s yard on Johnstone Road, and killed her dog. She recalls hearing a commotion in her back yard and running outside to see her Havanese-Maltese dog Ryder being mauled. “I tried to grab my dog,” Merunka told the Star. […]

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Drive-thru pet food

April 21, 2020

“This has got to be the greatest thing in the world,” said pet owner Lois Malone. “I don’t have to go to a store. I don’t have to be touched. I can stand back.” The clinic’s goal is to get free pet food to pet owners who need it, in the safest way possible. “Anybody, […]

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Four-legged hero

April 21, 2020

During the stay-at-home orders, more and more retired veterans that are suffering mental and physical disabilities are looking for service dogs. For retired veterans dealing with PTSD and or physical injuries, COVID-19 is bringing up memories they didn’t know they had. Memories they tucked away in a dark place. That’s why the local nonprofit, Veterans […]

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