Gianni was born October 6, 2023. She is my ESA & weighs 24.3 pounds. She is my best friend & I take her almost everywhere I go. She brings a lot of joy to my life & always makes me smile & laugh.
Mr. River Clyde Mullen
my little service buddy very attentive and learning so quickly and a great asset to our family and our needs
Bitsy my Hearing Dog
She helps me hear the door when I don’t have my hearing aid in. She also helps me with my anxiety. She is very loving as well.
Coco Picasso Roca
This Coco, he is an old dog with a young soul. He gives me emotional support as well as I give him emotional support. We complete each other.
Knight at home sitting
Knight is sitting next to a black couch on a blue rug. He is a black and white with gray long shaggy hair, small terrier mix dog.
Taken January 2023
Our sweet natured little girl. Very quiet and loves everyone including people and all animals. Her favorite are cats!
She is the sweetest, most loyal dog
Photo taken in January 2024
well behaved, very quiet and beautiful temperature. Loves other people and other animals. Had been socialized with other dogs and cats.
Our Baby Ms. Mila
Our sweet little girl. She’s almost six years old. She’s full of energy. She loves kisses and she’s always more than ready for a ride in the truck.
My helper for autisms boys
Max has helped my boys feel calm they are both autistic and it helps so much he very playful and a very smart dog
This is Olive at 8 yo
This is a pic of Olive in her vest that she always wears whenever we go out of the house. She assists me to minimize feeling overwhelmed while out in the public.
Angel and Barbara (owner)
Angel is a Redbone Coonhound Mix that is a trained Service Animal (TSD1432), who is trained for her Veteran owner Barbara.
Full profile of Truffles
Profile, picture of Lady Truffles Kirby. 10 months old at this time to clearly show all of her markings to help identify her in the event something happens, and we need proof.
Full profile of Truffles
Profile, picture of Lady Truffles Kirby. 10 months old at this time to clearly show all of her markings to help identify her in the event something happens, and we need proof.
Full profile of Truffles
Profile, picture of Lady Truffles Kirby. 10 months old at this time to clearly show all of her markings to help identify her in the event something happens, and we need proof.
Full profile of Truffles
Profile, picture of Lady Truffles Kirby. 10 months old at this time to clearly show all of her markings to help identify her in the event something happens, and we need proof.
Rio In sweater weather
Rio seems to love his red sweater. He has tried a few others on but did not care for them. For some reason, this one he approved of. He looks so handsome!
A distinguished gentleman
Major at 14months old
His mom is an American Doberman while his dad is full European Doberman. His current weight is 86lbs
BARI (PAD) Psychiatric Assistance Dog
Psychiatric assistance dog (PAD)
My Baby Girl 😍
Taking my baby for a walk. Izabella love walks in the park. She also love playing with other dogs. I have a very friendly dog. She is our family.
Sunny – medical alert dog
Sunny is fully trained medical alert service animal.
She is trained for an allergy alert, diabetic alert (insulin level ) and seizure alert.