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Rascal, my best friend

My constant companion. He was rescued 5+ years ago. He’s very loving and playful but gets upset around other animals as he was never socialized. He does very well with me.

Most adorable dog

Trinket is my life saver, so loving, protective, sensitive and very very loving. Getting trinket is one of the best things that ever happened to me. I haven’t had any bad thoughts since she came into my life.

Mr. Nikko in his cuteness

Doing what I do… being cute!

My name is Nikko, but my humans call me by many names; Rico, cutie, sweetums and in occasion naughty.

Happy Hamsworth cuddle man

Hamsworth is a goofball, without his antics I’d have lost my mind years ago. The joy he brings not just to me as a service friend but to everyone around him is immeasurable. 

Ellie Mae Teacup Chihuahua

Loyal, faithful and subservient, Ellie Mae not only assists me in my day to day life, she is my companion and a genuine family member.

Always faithful

Hazel’s favorite spot, she likes watching the deer and squirrels.  Sometimes you can see her looking upward towards the skyline watching birds and even spotting air traffic.

Crystal Belle Photo

Crystal Belle is a red Pomeranian, with brown eyes, has friendly temperament and loves people and dogs. This photo is a recent close-up  view of her.

change in his colouring

Over the past 2 years since we got Doug his colouring has changed. He has gone from Choc to silver. This is apparently normal for Poodles to lose their colouring. I just wanted you to have a pic of him to know he isn’t as lean and isn’t as choc as before……also in this pic he is with My son Jack who has high functioning autism.

Dulche De Leche

When not assisting with mobility, she passes the time sleeping on the couch, guarding the house from the front window, the side window while standing on the couch, or back yard .

Diesel on his raised bed

Diesel is a European Doberman and loves his family.  I never knew a dog could mean so much. Since Covid has happened I realize he means even more emotionally and physically to help us stay healthy.  He is very aware of how we feel and stays close by and makes us aware if we need attention.

Indy Cabrera 2020

Indy is my 4 year cackapoo and the best that has happened to me in many years, she is sweet and funny, and helps me deal with my anxiety, depression and epilepsy.

My little girl is a very important family member.

He helps me get through everything.

He helps my anxiety and keeps me calm and focused on him while in larger groups or stores. He can sense when I need him and is always right there. He just recently got me through my grandpas funeral.

The little prince

My little chocolate fur baby,  he’s got a little attitude because he doesn’t know he’s a dog.  I’ve treated him like a child and he has the same melt downs, same fun loving spirit with his toys.  Oh and bath time, oh my we hate it, and after we snort with disgust till mom lets me pick a treat, and I usually am a brat and knock things off the shelf, to show I’m the boss. But than when I want love and I give my big chocolate eye look,  it melts my mom’s heart.  I love to rub up against people and get the attention of everyone with a silly trick.  I’m never left behind, I go shopping, on vacations, little road trips, to the farm, I’m getting old now so I mostly sleep.

Alexis 2019 in Montrose

Photo of Alexis backyard Montrose Summer 2019 Best Dog for a family, classics fun loving Lab full of fun and energy and the best companion you can have.

Roxie with bone

Roxie loves her bones and teasing her sister Lizzy with it. They both have a lot of fun. She’s such a smart girl and very loving.

Good Timber on a break

Timber is a cancer survivor this year. This was our first trip together after chemotherapy.  She has been amazing even during her medical struggle

Good Timber on a break

Timber is a cancer survivor this year. This was our first trip together after chemotherapy.  She has been amazing even during her medical struggle


Toby is an accomplished Hunter Retriever Champion.  He is a wonderful companion to assist with anxiety issues and emotional trauma.

Petty getting some air with his bro

Petty loves his play time and can catch some serious air . He also enjoys cliff jumping into the river and rope swings with the kids .

Petty baby the best dog ever

Just petty getting some play time at the baseball field . Loves jumping after balls running and meeting new people and other fury friends

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