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Princess Marie a.k.a.(Little Girl)

Princess Marie a.k.a. (Little Girl)

My heart and soul! She knows she has me wrapped around her little paws. She has been such a life saver for me. She is able to sense if I am about to have a possible stroke or heart attack.  She has even alerted several times when my sugar level dropped and was going into a seizure. She is amazing all she has to do is just sniff my breath while I’m holding her and if my sugar level drops she alert me by barking and licking me like crazy on my face near my mouth and nose. She will not stop until I correct my sugar level. IF I set her down on the floor she will start barking until I pick her up and let her sniff my breath to let her see that my sugar level is back to normal. She sleeps with me and she has woke me up on a few occasions to get my attention so that I can check my sugar level and my blood pressure. She is just simply the most Amazing dog that I have ever had!!!

Princess Marie a.k.a.(Little Girl)

Princess Marie a.k.a. (Little Girl)

My heart and soul! She knows she has me wrapped around her little paws. She has been such a life saver for me. She is able to sense if I am about to have a possible stroke or heart attack.  She has even alerted several times when my sugar level dropped and was going into a seizure. She is amazing all she has to do is just sniff my breath while I’m holding her and if my sugar level drops she alert me by barking and licking me like crazy on my face near my mouth and nose. She will not stop until I correct my sugar level. IF I set her down on the floor she will start barking until I pick her up and let her sniff my breath to let her see that my sugar level is back to normal. She sleeps with me and she has woke me up on a few occasions to get my attention so that I can check my sugar level and my blood pressure. She is just simply the most Amazing dog that I have ever had!!!

I’ve been Jinxed!

  1. He’s actually such a photogenic goofball
  2. He’ll never let a person down
  3. Hes always there when I or anyone else needs him, and senses when ges needed

The one and only Joropo

He’s my son and my partner of life.
Never likes to be alone.
Snores like a big bear but he’s really a small dog         And sometimes he feels like he’s a human


Juju Photo Op 2020

Fun photo at @ 10 years old.
who’s a good dog?
Juju says, “ when is my next car ride?”

always ready to stay close and take care.

Emotional support

This is my beautiful furbaby . She helps not to think of killing my self. She helps me to keep calm. She is my bestfriend  and helps mentally


Fun time at home with mom and dad

Just relaxing having fun on a nice day at home. Lady is a great dog. We rescued her. She is smart quiet and hates walmart. Only store she oops in. Great with animals people and kids.

Remington in duty

Remington on duty. He loves wearing his vest. Very kind and affectionate dog. His size might intimidate, but he has never been aggressive.

Remington Snoozing

This is Remington. He sleeps a lot. He has bitten anyone, but sometimes will give unwanted kisses. If found please call 905-550-9420

Devo enjoys a sunny day

Enjoying a sunny day at the dog park. He’s not quite 2 years old and about 47 lbs. He loves to chase frisbees and run after other dogs chasing balls.


This was taken of Luke at Daycare. He loves to play and swim when he is there. He helps me be calm, by being my companion.

Soma is a gentle sweet soul who loves everyone she meets

Soma comes to work with her mom at a mental health rehab center and also works in the community with elders.

Soma is a gentle sweet soul who loves everyone she meets

Soma comes to work with her mom at a mental health rehab center and also works in the community with elders.

Colt doing what he loves

In this picture  colt is doing what he loves doing and that is being  outdoors and playing in the water

Scar’s 2nd birthday

We are celebrating Scar’s 2nd birthday! Scar is a sweet, patient and kind dog. He is professionally trained to help our autistic daughter.

Luna’s first haircut

This was Luna’s first haircut and she got a cute bandanna to go with her new look! She did a very good job at sitting still and looking at the camera. What a good girl she is!

Christmas Eve 2020

Christmas eve 2020 at Grandma’s house one of the best Christmas gifts ever was to see her Panther loves being up there loving on grandma

Mighty Thor Whitehair loves posing for the camera.

Mighty Thor Whitehair loves to pose for the camera. Thor Whitehair is such a handsome, sweet, loveable Husky.

He loves going to the dog park and doggie daycare to play and socialize with his doggie buddies. 

Waiting at doctors office for owners appointment

Waiting at doctors office for owners appointment, very obedient dog.. Loves everyone, knows his name and he is chipped with owners name, address and phone number.. Had a collar with a custom tag with all owner information

MyStique Sage Chan

A picture is worth 1000 words. She is a good dog. She likes long walks and chasing squirrels. Sometimes she’ll even chase the cat.

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