Emotional Support Dog Registration for Mr. Matt Skruff
Skruff is an obedient yet independent dog! His command words are sit, stay, heel, leave it, potty and come. He knows \”down\” but doesn\’t like to do it. He understands \”Go\” for when we are going somewhere. And \”Walk\” for when I am going to take him for a walk. I\’m always asking him \”What do you want?\” like he\’s going to speak up and answer me. He usually wants to play tug with his toy or wants to eat. Sometimes he just wants me to interact with him in any way. He is not fond of other humans attempting to pet him and sometimes will snap if they approach him to fast. He does warm up to people however. He just will do it at his pace. He goes with me just about everywhere and does very well in stores. He sleeps on my bed at night.
ADA#: 126405
Owner: Sandra Darlene
Breed: Mixed
Country: United States
State: Texas
Dog Training Status: My Dog Requires No Training (Emotional Support) *
Registration Type: Emotional Support Dog Registration
Register Reason: Stress Related
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