Service Dog In Training Registration for luna
Luna is an 8 month old red heeler mix who is currently being trained for my service dog and emotional support animal. I have ctptsd, anxiety, depression and mpd. she assists me when stressful situations get out of hand. she helps me from switching personalities by keeping me in a safe place and calm. She is trained to hold onto me and hug me when i start shaking, breathing heavily and start freaking out. she does her job well and is with me all the time we have bonded over the last 6 months and she listens to my commands well. She is friendly and great in public. she doesn\’t jump on anyone but me for her job.
ADA#: 200361
Owner: Brittany Veltrie
Breed: heeler mix
Country: United States
State: California
Dog Training Status: My Dog Is In Training **
Registration Type: Service Dog In Training Registration
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