Emotional Support Dog Registration for Harlee
Harlee has been my rock since 2017 when I was in a toxic relationship and was hurting myself out of frustration and neglect from my partner, plus I suffered PTSD while with him because he was an alcoholic and would come home blind drunk and vomit blood everywhere, I was very depressed and extremely worried while in that relationship, plus his friends/family threatened me a few times and also wanted to gang up and fight me. She got me out of that horrible relationship and I ended up in hospital 2 years ago with a clot in my pelvis which ended in the base of my foot, she was my strength to fight and get better to get back home to her. Still to this day, she helps me through my darkest times of anxiety and depression.
ADA#: 165643
Owner: Kristy Stevens-Power
Breed: Mini Aussie Bulldog
Country: Australia
State: Queensland
Dog Training Status: My Dog Requires No Training (Emotional Support) *
Registration Type: Emotional Support Dog Registration
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