Brace / Mobility Assistance Dog Registration for Duncan
Duncan is a super sweet boy. I rescued Duncan from being abused by my mother’s friends around 2018. Since Dunk has been with me, she has seen a complete turn around in him. I have a TBI and lose my balance quite often; Duncan is always by my side, so I can use him to brace my falls, as well as he assist me whenever I need to get on my feet when sitting on the floor. My balance is off, so for example: when I stand and tie my shoes, he’s always near me for me to brace myself on him, for balance. He can sense when I am upset and comes lay with me and protects me. My cat dislike’s this (haha).
ADA#: 124442
Owner: Natalie Dabbs
Breed: Australian Shep mix
Country: United States
State: North Carolina
Dog Training Status: My Dog Is A Companion Dog (No Training Required)
Registration Type: Brace / Mobility Assistance Dog Registration
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