Emotional Support Dog Registration for Beorn

Beorn came into my life when he was 1 year old, after bouncing between many homes. He has gone from a scared and defensive puppy to a fun and loving friend. He is a 1-person pet – he is wary of strangers and very protective of his person. He is the biggest reason I have to see my mental health struggles through to the other side, as the idea of leaving him in the hands of the unknown is too much to consider. I could never leave his side, and he has proven to me that he will never leave mine.
ADA#: 211852
Owner: Colin Toohey
Breed: German shepherd
Country: United States
State: California
Dog Training Status: My Dog Requires No Training (Emotional Support) *
Registration Type: Emotional Support Dog Registration
Register Reason: Suicidal Thoughts
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