Emotional Support Dog Registration for Bella
Bella is a people person, she loves everyone she meets, especially if they scratch her behind lol. Bellas birthday is on june 6th 2014. She\’ll be 7 soon.. she\’s getting old and starting to have slight hip issues..
She\’s definitely one of a kind. Unlike any pit bull breed I\’ve ever met before. She\’s got a sassy personality.. with maybe somewhat of and aditude problem. She huffs at me if she don\’t like what I\’m telling her. And when she don\’t get her way. When I\’m not paying attention but I\’m paying attention, she\’ll throws these fits where she flips her food bowl. Now if she catches me looking she won\’t do it… It\’s halirous
ADA#: 22841
Owner: Rachel Morris
Breed: Pit Bull
Country: United States
State: Kentucky
Dog Training Status: My Dog Requires No Training (Emotional Support) *
Registration Type: Emotional Support Dog Registration
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