PTSD Assistance Dog Registration for Apollo Franklin
Apollo Franklin is a very sweet ❤ English Bulldog. He loves children and is very happy when he see them. He loves \”working\” (thats what we call it when his collar is on). He loves automatic doors, elevators, and anything he can see his reflection in. He is a super happy and friendly dog.
Apollo is very intune with my emotions and knows how to calm me when needed. He knows how to keep people away from me when I am about to have a panic attack, when I start to have trouble walking, or when I have an asthma attack or start of a migraine coming on. He has always been very intuitive to my needs.
If he is circling me then that means to keep back. But if he is wiggling his but and strutting his stuff then he is all about his surroundings.
ADA#: 80611
Owner: Whitney Hawkins
Breed: English Bulldog
Country: United States
State: Indiana
Dog Training Status: My Dog Will Start Training Soon **
Registration Type: PTSD Assistance Dog Registration
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