Service Dog Registration for Angel

Service dog for myself Julie Wilson. Angel is a 60lb Liver Nose Rhodesian Ridgeback- Brown nose instead of more common black. Short brown fur with light brown ridge down back instead of more common dark brown ridge. White chest. White paws with brown spots. Amber colored eyes. Sweet tempered, Quiet personality. I\’m blind in left eye. Nearsighted in right eye. Have had 2 eye surgery\’s. Had Lumber fusion surgery with metal rod and doner bone put in. Some muscle weakness in left leg due to permanent nerve damage of spinal cord. Prone to falls. Weak right arm strength. I can walk, I can take care of my daily living needs having learned through physical therapy and doing Range of Motion Exercises daily for muscle strength. Non-Military Complex Post Trauma Syndrome (long term child/teenager abuse ) anxiety, disassociation under stress which includes brain fog as in losing track of present conversation, feeling sleepy. Some of the ways she helps me at home and while out in public. – Helps me with balance issues. Helps me by creating a \’ bubble \’ around me when I\’m around people so I don\’t get bumped into ( people see her vest and gives us more physical space thus less chance of me falling due to balance and blindness in left eye.) Stays close to my side to help prevent falls. Is alert to my emotions. Helps with anxiety when feeling stressed by having me focus on her, pet her ears, look into her eyes till my breathing is slower and I feel less tense.
ADA#: 43797
Owner: julie wilson
Breed: Rhodesian Lab Mix
Country: United States
State: Delaware
Dog Training Status: My Dog Is Already Trained
Registration Type: Service Dog Registration
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