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Brinkley not leaving my side

Dat is my baby dog…she is my best fwiend…and her “babies” happen to be felines. This is her not letting me be alone at all. At any time. Ever.

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My hero, best man I ever have had

The reason I am able to have a good life I was suicidal when I met him 13 years ago, now I’m not. I beat depression anxiety and disassociation disorder.  

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Emotional support dog

He is my best friend always at my side no matter what. He is my protector and knows when I am upset. He knows what to do to calm me down.

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This is Baby…

This is my dog and her name is Baby. She has helped me many times. I have bad PTSD and Baby will put her feet on my thighs to bring my attention from my PTSD flashbacks.

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Emotional Support Dog

What a special gift I received when I got this buddy of mine. There are no words to express just how he saved my sanity at a very difficult time in my life. And he continues to bless and love me every day. Mommy loves you Digger.

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My baby girl keeps me going everyday.

She lets me know when I stop breathing.  She wakes me up by licking me.  I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for her.

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Emotional support dog

This is my buddy who goes with me everywhere and is such a blessing and so good.  He loves me and I love him unconditionally.

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Emotional support dog

Peaches is my emotional support dog she is always by my side to help me without her i would be so lost I love her with all my Heart.

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Meeko helps me to stay cal when I’m having a stressful day

Meeko just came from a groiming, he’s being a real gentleman about it, cause he does not like baths,

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Meeko helps me to stay cal when I’m having a stressful day

Meeko just came from a groiming, he’s being a real gentleman about it, cause he does not like baths,

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Hard play makes for a happy Companion ☺️

Tessa lounging after a hard afternoon of play and training at the Park. She plays hard, but she works even harder as my Service Companion 🐾❤️🐾

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Checking for company

Smokey likes to sit on the loveseat and watch out the door.  Any sound or unusual movement gets his attention.

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My service animal

My Maxo helps my anxiety calm down in public. When I go out I feel like too many people are around me and when I have Maxo he makes me feel calm and going .

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Always ready to help Mom!

Poppie loves putting on her vest. When she has that best on she knows exactly what her job is and she does it perfectly. That’s my girl.❤️

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Titan always here to help.

This dog has always been here for us when we needed him most. Every time we call on him he never hesitates and is right by our side.

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Snuggles with momma

My anxiety levels were through the roof and we lays on top of me and regulates me      

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Charlottes service dog vest

This is Charlotte and her service animal fast that i received. Once I received it I put it on her so that she could try it and she loves it. So far with the stay at home order we haven’t been able to go out places with her harness but I have taken her for […]

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Trip to Canmore with my Mommy

Took my Mommy to Canmore Alberta along the Highway we both stopped to Pee in the Trees.  It’s always funny to see my Mommy Squatting!!!

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Jayda patience kee

Checking on me after a episode…………………………………………………………………………….

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My service animal

This is my service animal she’s a husky, age 3. She’s very good at sensing people’s emotions and helps me everything I have an episode for all of my mental health issues. She will also go out if her way to make everyone smile just by acting goofy. She’s overall the best dog I could […]

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