Animal adoptions
April 6, 2020

“We think the increase in adoption numbers is related to the fact that people are at home. People are thinking about ways to maybe ease their anxiety and stress and we know animals can contribute to that,” Tarbox said. PHS manages shelters in Burlingame and San Mateo and also cares for injured or orphaned wildlife […]
Traveling With Your Pet
April 6, 2020

With the holiday season upon us, many people have started planning trips and choosing a vacation destination, whether it’s with their friends, family, or alone. Pet owners, on the other hand, might be struggling with the puzzling decision of whether they should leave their pets at home and hire an in-home pet service or take […]
Therapy dog handler launches campaign
April 6, 2020

A therapy dog handler has launched an alternative campaign for young hospital patients who are unable to get visits from the dogs during the coronavirus outbreak. While golden retrievers Leo, Milo, Quinn, Archie, Jessie, Hattie and Pollyanna cannot be at their bedsides, a local illustrator has produced a series of “pawtraits” for the children to […]
Coronavirus and pets: How COVID-19 affects cats and dogs
April 6, 2020

Coronaviruses have lived and thrived in animals for thousands of years, but only a handful have been known to cause illness in humans. The coronavirus at the center of the current pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, is incredibly successful at spreading from human to human. As of early April — just four months after it was first detected […]
Service Animals Are Out Of Work, Too
April 5, 2020

Many people are out of work right now as schools and businesses are shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic. But that means many service animals are unable to work, too. Around three weeks ago, my dog guide, Payton, and I traveled home to Kansas City for spring break. Since the pandemic, we haven’t left the […]
Dog Misses Her Job
April 5, 2020

India seems sad, restless. Like many other Moore County workers, this certified professional is on furlough. At least she won’t lose any wages because India works for pats and scratches, not money. India, a coal-black 90-pound flat-coated retriever is a therapy dog. Not only does she brighten the lives of nursing and hospice residents, she […]
Service dogs for Foster families
April 5, 2020

A rescue group that trains service dogs for veterans says it’s in desperate need of foster families. Coco’s Cupboard says with the pandemic, fewer families are volunteering to foster service dogs in training, while the need for them among veterans and people with medical challenges is greater than ever. Suzanne Aaron runs a rescue group called […]
In bad times every dog is a ‘very good dog
April 5, 2020

I have found myself looking at Bella with great envy these past few weeks. As I try to tamp down my panic and get work done, Bella naps in her dog bed next to my desk. At certain intervals, she gets up and fetches her fuzzy blue Yeti toy and delivers it by my feet, […]
Warren’s Pet Of The Week
April 5, 2020

WARREN, NJ — Meet Diesel! He has been chosen as Warren Patch’s Pet Of The Week. “This is my boy Diesel. During this time with so many uncertainties, the one thing we can all be certain of is the comfort that our fur babies are bringing us. While this pandemic is keeping all of us […]
Family of huskies offering emotional support across South Yorkshire
April 5, 2020

As he chats, six-year-old husky, Thunder, is laid on his owner’s chest – his favourite place to curl up. Adrian bred, delivered and raised Thunder, and it’s clear the pair share a special connection. But Adrian, a South Yorkshire photographer, claims the most impressive thing about Thunder is his emotional sensitivity. “He picks up on […]
We want to be here to help them
April 5, 2020

During the COVID-19 outbreak, many on the front lines work tireless hours. It makes it very difficult to get pets their full attention at home. Now, one luxury pet resort and doggy day care is saying “Thank you” by offering some relief. “We know that the first responders, the nurses and the healthcare workers are […]
Justice for Puppy Beaten to Death With a Hammer by Abuser
April 5, 2020

It’s always difficult to understand how someone can just be cruel to animals. But some animal abuse cases are just nearly impossible to believe. That’s the case with an 11-month-old puppy named Izzy who was brutally murdered by his owner who lied about it until she finally confessed. Justina Robinson was supposedly training Izzy to become a […]
April 5, 2020

Nothing better than a rainy night and a good binge-worthy show, personally I’m always on the lookout for a show the whole fam can watch together. Throw in a healthy dose of feel-good moments and teachable lessons, and you’ve got a winner. Which is why I was intrigued and cautiously optimistic when I heard about […]
April 5, 2020

A New Jersey woman with an emotional disability and lives at an apartment complex in Vineland, N.J., wanted to get a Yorkshire terrier puppy as an emotional support dog and followed Federal Law and obtained an emotional support animal letter of recommendation touting the benefit, but the property had a “no pets” policy and denied her request. Another New […]
Dog Food Delivered to Western Alaska Amid Virus Concerns
April 4, 2020

Hundreds of dogs living in largely Alaska Native villages in southwest Alaska won’t go hungry this spring after more than 8,000 pounds (3,629 kg) of dog food were delivered, a humanitarian effort coordinated by two of the nation’s largest animal welfare groups in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The 242, 30-pound (13.6-kg) bags arrived in […]
Pet-owner unity through respite, training
April 3, 2020

A group of women with passion and compassion for dogs is at the heart of Tucson’s Sol Dog Lodge and Training Center, a nonprofit organization. The community has recognized their dedication: they have garnered the annual Arizona Daily Star’s Readers’ Choice Award for best dog daycare/boarding for the past four consecutive years. Sol Dog does […]
Difference Between Emotional Support Animals and Service Animals
April 3, 2020

You’ve probably encountered an emotional support animal or service animal before and if you don’t know the difference between the two, you are not alone. While there can be a tendency to use the names “emotional support animal” and “service animal” interchangeably, the two serve very different purposes with specific legal differences. Check out what […]
Emotional support animals for first responders
April 3, 2020

Not all superheroes wear capes as our local heroes wear scrubs, badges and aprons, said Santa Barbara County Second District Supervisor Gregg Hart. “It’s important we all take steps to protect ourselves and loves ones and perhaps save a life,” Hart said during the press briefing Thursday afternoon. Public Health Officer Dr. Henning Ansorg said there has been an […]
Cats can catch and spread COVID-19 if exposed to high levels
April 3, 2020

A newly-hatched study out of China, so raw that it’s not yet been peer-reviewed, has some disturbing news for cat lovers. Our furry feline friends appear to be susceptible to catching COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. Even worse, the cats in the study were able to infect each other, although they […]
Saying goodbye to ‘a gentle giant
April 3, 2020

The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary lost one of its retired members recently with the passing of police service dog Biff. The beloved German shepherd, who passed away March 17, was 10 years old. Biff’s policing career began in 2011 after he and his handler Const. Jody Ryan completed the Police Service Dog Training Program in Alberta. […]