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Dogs shot ‘for no reason’

April 9, 2020

Two dogs in Khayelitsha, Fifi and Fido, are recovering at the SA.MAST Animal Clinic after being treated for rubber bullet wounds – allegedly inflicted by a police officer enforcing the Covid-19 lockdown. Fido was shot twice in the shoulder. Fifi was shot twice in the neck. According to the clinic’s director Tamsin Nel, only Fido […]

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Pamper your pets with these food delivery services

April 9, 2020

At this point in the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve gotten used to store shelves emptied of staples… including pet food, making it an ideal time to try a pet food subscription service. Not only will your beloved pet get top-quality food in flavors they love — and not just whatever’s left at the supermarket — you […]

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It is not just humans feeling isolated. Think of the puppies

April 9, 2020

Hannah Knight’s rather unique start-up business has just passed its first anniversary. Knight Tails is a Connemara-based doggy daycare service for small dogs, collected each morning and dropped off every evening at their homes from Inverin to Galway city, including Knocknacarra and Salthill. And to celebrate her first year in business at the end of […]

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NYC residents are adopting bunnies

April 9, 2020

Here’s a fluff piece to brighten your spirits. Along with cats and dogs, New Yorkers are also bringing home rabbits as a fuzzy balm for the soul in trying times. “A lot of people who hadn’t even considered rabbits before are fostering and having a good time,” says Colleen AF Venable, who has volunteered with […]

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April 9, 2020

As a college student, it is common to desire extra sleep. But for a college student struggling with chronic depression, it is hard to wake up and deal with reality. Vanilla Bean is one student’s motivation. Bean is a one-year-old short-haired black French Bulldog and an emotional support animal. Every morning this small companion is […]

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April 9, 2020

As a college student, it is common to desire extra sleep. But for a college student struggling with chronic depression, it is hard to wake up and deal with reality. Vanilla Bean is one student’s motivation. Bean is a one-year-old short-haired black French Bulldog and an emotional support animal. Every morning this small companion is […]

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Stress During COVID-19 Can Affect Your Dog or Cat

April 9, 2020

Lots of Californians are feeling cooped up and stressed out due to COVID-19. But there’s another member of the household whose mental state might be changing: our pets. Experts say dogs and cats have stress thresholds, just like humans. And when there are too many changes — such as an owner working from home, the […]

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Check Out Tonka The Therapy Dog

April 9, 2020

A therapy dog named Tonka had to put a twist on his visits to a local nursing home due to the coronavirus, but the mission is still the same. “We’re so excited to just be able to make them smile today,” Tonka’s owner, Courtney Leigh, told NBC affiliate KXAN. The lovable Great Dane was recognized […]

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HELP PUPPIES During this pandemic.

April 8, 2020

Amid the coronavirus scare, thousands of animals are at risk of being trapped and alone, including innocent dogs who could be abandoned in puppy mills and left to languish without food or water. These pups already endure a life of suffering and are even more vulnerable as businesses close their doors without disaster plans in place. Hungry […]

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Dog walkers are feeling the impact on COVID-19

April 8, 2020

Schools have been shut down, families are adjusting to isolated living and many businesses have had to close their doors to loyal customers. We felt the need to stand up in our community and say ‘stay home’. The risk of the disease spreading was getting worse,” said Josh Dieleman, Scarboro Music’s sales and marketing manager. […]

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Dog Trainers are Creating Program

April 8, 2020

Tom Loy of Tallgrass Gordon Setters sits by the whelping box, where a litter of 3-day-old setter puppies navigate their tiny universe from behind closed eyes. One by one, Loy lifts the puppies from the box and runs them through a series of brief exercises. When he is finished, the puppies go back into the […]

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County Leash Law

April 8, 2020

In February Albemarle County adopted a “leash law” that requires all dogs to be on a leash whenever they are off the property of their owner or custodian, also known as “running at large.”  A dog is deemed to be “running at large” while roaming, running, or self-hunting off the property of its owner or […]

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Pets offer support

April 8, 2020

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people are practicing social distancing and self-quarantine — two measures epidemiologists agree are critical to slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus. However, social isolation can take a toll on mental and even physical health. Scientific research has shown that loneliness and social isolation can induce […]

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Pets give comfort during crisis

April 8, 2020

Lala, a 3-month-old black Lab, romped into Ufuoma George’s life a few weeks ago, just as she retreated into her New York apartment in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Lala, she thought, would be company. But she’s turned out to be so much more. “Being alone at home kind of is hard,” says George, […]

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Township’s first dog park and handicap-accessible playground

April 8, 2020

Girl Scouts Keaira Lutz and Katie Mericle, a junior and senior at Parkland High School, are moving forward with building North Whitehall Township’s first dog park and a nearby handicap-accessible playground, coronavirus or not. The two are pictured with Lutz’s dog, Buster. It’s a dual project nearly three years in the making, and two Girl […]

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Service dogs welcome in store, but not kids

April 8, 2020

Single parents are expressing their frustration after Menards announced a new policy not allowing children under the age of 16 inside the store because of COVID-19. The company posted the message on it’s website explaining anyone who appears to be under the age of 16 will be asked to show ID. The policy also calls for […]

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Belfast dog fouling service suspended

April 8, 2020

Belfast City Council is asking residents to be extra vigilant about cleaning up behind dogs, after announcing a temporary halt to its dog fouling service. The council has stated the Dog Warden Service is currently working within a limited capacity due to the coronavirus emergency, and has suspended the complaints service regarding dog fouling. The […]

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Dog-walking service

April 8, 2020

Heather Hiram, of the Safe and Sound Hound dog-walking service in Edinburgh, was furious after a video was posted by Alana Mullen, who was working for Pilrig Paws. A professional dog walker has been awarded £3,000 in damages from a business rival who accused her on social media of mistreating the animals. Heather Hiram, 41, […]

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Second Service dog found dead

April 8, 2020

The owner of a missing service dog said the dog was found dead in the same pond her other service dog was found. According to a Facebook post, when scuba divers were first looking for the service dogs, they found Orso but could not find Lucia until Tuesday because she was covered in weeds. The […]

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Benitez steps up

April 8, 2020

Jenn Benitez of Rad­cliff was 14-years-old and living in her home state of Wisconsin when she witnessed a young girl on a bicycle get struck by a car. According to Benitez, the child survived, but the situation could have been much worse if she wasn’t there. “People just froze in fear,” she said. “Nobody would […]

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