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Response dog helps ease stess

April 17, 2020

One person was killed in a house fire in Boiling Spring Lakes earlier this week. The house was engulfed in flames in a matter of minutes, and there was little firefighters could do. The call came in around 4 a.m., and before all was said and done, crews from Boiling Spring Lakes, Southport and Sunny […]

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Petco Workers

April 17, 2020

As the death toll mounts from the coronavirus pandemic, governors in 42 states have urged more than 300 million Americans to stay home. So it shocked some Petco employees this week to see shipments that are almost guaranteed to draw in more customers: Guinea pigs. Hamsters. Parakeets. “Why are we getting betta [fish]?” an employee […]

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Foster Pets

April 17, 2020

Dogs Trust has offered to help get their four-legged friend fostered for the duration of the crisis. The charity’s heard from more than 700 people looking to mind a dog while they work from home. Boss Becky Bristow told us it seemed like an obvious solution; “We’re watching all these front line workers going into […]

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Local dogs had a videoconference

April 17, 2020

We heard through the grapevine that the North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church has mentioned a Denton church as being the master class in virtual worship. A local pastor said officials in the denomination praised Open Worship, a contemporary worship service of First United Methodist Church of Denton, for excellence in its online product. […]

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Doggie daycare

April 17, 2020

They run, play, and bark, while their owners work on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic. The K9 Kabana in Garner is staying open to serve essential employees. “We have quite a few clients that are in the medical field, first responders,” said owner James Mirgoli. “They’re doing a huge favor for everybody, doing […]

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‘Stay at Home’

April 17, 2020

Pet owners now have to learn to obey the “stay” command, as the COVID-19 pandemic has forced most Daniel Island residents to remain home. While the stay at home ordinance may be “ruff” on owners, island animals are enjoying the extra attention. Many pet parents are concerned about how COVID-19 will affect their animals. According […]

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Gifts For Dog Moms

April 17, 2020

For many women, the dream of motherhood looks a little different than what you’d find on an average parenting website: instead of baby cribs and onesies, some women imagine their babies a little furrier – and ideally with four legs. And then there are moms with the boundless energy needed to parent both human and […]

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County shelter

April 17, 2020

It has been exciting and terrifying at the same time. This is how Supervising Animal Services Officer Stephanie Amato describes how the Yolo County Animal Shelter is adjusting to changes brought on by the coronavirus outbreak. The statewide shelter-in-place order has caused a ripple effect at animal shelters across California. Some have cleared out their […]

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Delta Dog

April 17, 2020

Operation Delta Dog has been helping disabled New England veterans since 2013 — now, the organization is lending a hand to struggling small businesses, as well, through its new initiative: Operation Delta D.O.G. (Doing Others Good). For every $50 raised through the Operation Delta D.O.G. link, $25 will be used to purchase a gift card […]

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facility for service dog training

April 17, 2020

 The Mall of Fairfield Commons is offering their common area space inside the shopping center to the local nonprofit service dog organization, 4 Paws for Ability, for training each week. Volunteers with 4 Paws can typically be found in the mall throughout the year, walking and training their dogs so that they are able to […]

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canine companion

April 17, 2020

Oak Ridge High School senior Nicole Shedd began working on her Girl Scout Gold Award during her sophomore year, deciding to take on a service project that checked two important boxes — fulfilling a passion and honoring someone she holds close to her heart. “Animals, especially dogs, have always been a passion of mine,” explained […]

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Adoptions increase

April 17, 2020

During the coronavirus pandemic, some people are looking toward animals to provide emotional support in this uncertain time. Because of this, inside the Fayetteville animal shelter you’ll only find three dogs without homes and no cats. This, compared to the 12 to 25 dogs and cats it usually houses. But, Superintendent Justine Lentz said the […]

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Emotional support animals

April 17, 2020

Though dogs are the most common therapy animal, plenty of other animals support their owners. Pet Partners told ABC News that, “dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, rats, miniature pigs, llamas, alpacas, horses, donkeys and mini-horses” can all be therapy animals. There are important distinctions between therapy animals and emotional support animals. Therapy animals have […]

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Dog Carrier Backpacks

April 17, 2020

Dogs are often close companions, best friends, and sources of emotional support. And if you’re anything like me, you probably try to take your pup with you everywhere you go. To make that task a bit simpler, I’ve created a list of the best dog carrier backpacks that’ll keep your fur baby by your side. […]

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Pandemic Puppies

April 16, 2020

What’s the ultimate cure for this recent heaviness? Puppies, of course. In the past few weeks, families have been using the forced time at home to finally say yes to the question they’ve been asked for months/years: “Can we get a puppy . . . Pleeeaaassseeee???” “For years, my kids have asked—daily—for a dog,” says […]

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Business Unleashed Dog Grooming

April 13, 2020

The new coronavirus has changed life for all of us. Local businesses have taken a huge economic hit, but communities are finding creative ways to support the establishments they know and love. In an effort to help local businesses in our communities stay connected and succeed, Patch will shine a light on some of them […]

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Dogs Are Like Prozac

April 13, 2020

More noise from black screens, increased crumbs on the couch, lack of clean socks and frequent delays, or even worse cancellations to daily walk schedules have been some of the concerning behaviors displayed by beloved owners showing signs of the classic doggy diagnosis’. Seemingly overnight many of us were abruptly and somewhat traumatically separated from […]

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Pets Need Virtual Services Too

April 13, 2020

Bond Vet, a veterinary-care startup with two locations in New York, tried a virtual meetup last month for people and pets who couldn’t congregate in dog parks during the coronavirus pandemic. It wasn’t the same experience. “I believe since the dogs actually couldn’t interact, it wasn’t as exciting for them,” said Brooke Goldstein, a marketing […]

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Leave your pet at home

April 13, 2020

With epidemic still in effect, and grocery stores taking safety precautions to help stop the spread, I witnessed a couple of women bringing in their small dogs, and seating them in child’s seat in front of the shopping cart. After the girl wiped it down, they were touching the dirty animals and produce and etc., […]

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Surf Dog Ricochet helps health professionals

April 13, 2020

Pawsitive Teams is a service and therapy dog program founded in San Diego in 1997. The partnership between Ricochet and the organization directly addresses the mental health crisis affecting healthcare professionals during these difficult times. In every other crisis, therapy dogs are called upon to provide comfort and healing. But, due to social distancing and […]

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