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Pet Spotlight

April 21, 2020

  Despite being stuck at home, The Wood Word’s Pet Spotlight still shines on. In the latest edition, Junior Graphic Design major Alexis Christiano talks about how her dog Stella assists her on and off campus.

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Adopting Pets

April 21, 2020

While people are sheltering in place during this time of crisis, many Californians are seeking comfort and companionship—animal shelters have been a good place to find it. “People have been opening their homes and volunteering to be fosters. We’ve also gotten a lot of adoptions,” said Mary Jacobs, president of the Orange County Small Paws […]

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service dogs training

April 21, 2020

Through an empty Mall at Fairfield Commons, little paws trot and gallop around Monday afternoon. Service dogs in training, this litter is getting to know a new environment. “Our greatest need is the for the puppies who have never been able to experience a big environment and so it’s a safe way for our staff […]

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Dog vanishes

April 21, 2020

Perhaps it was an intriguing scent wafting in the breeze that led Cricket astray. Or the feel of open grass beneath her paws. No matter the reason, all Amanda Harlan Mendenhall knew Tuesday afternoon was that her deaf and blind 13-year-old poodle was gone from her backyard near the west end of Fellows Lake. “We let her […]

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Pets in prison

April 21, 2020

Bringing rescue dogs and prisoners together in a remarkable rehabilitation programme in California is helping inmates learn valuable lessons. On an idyllic sun-drenched day in California, I find myself in jail. But unlike the 5,000 or so inmates of North Kern State Prison, located 150 miles north of Los Angeles, I’m here voluntarily, accompanied by […]

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Canine officer

April 21, 2020

Niagara Falls uniform officers and detectives commenced an investigation into a robbery at a local hotel. The robbery involved the use of a knife and firearms. Two persons were injured. Officers arrested four persons shortly after the robbery. Cameron Chiang (42 years old) of no fixed address was able to flee the scene and has been […]

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Farm animals as emotional support pets

April 21, 2020

Not everybody wants a dog or a cat as a pet — sometimes only a goat or a pig will do. Port Coquitlam residents can now apply to keep a farm animal as an emotional support animal and may be allowed to keep their special pet  — even in a residential area— if they meet certain […]

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Dog Sitting Service

April 21, 2020

Businesses that are not essential are all in the same situation. Grocery stores, pharmacies, internet providers, and of course, medical facilities, are some examples of businesses that are deemed essential. Camp Bow Wow petitioned to city to reconsider their classification. Dog sitting may not seem like an essential service at first glance. However, many of […]

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April 21, 2020

The “Pet Boarding Service Market” 2020 report includes the market strategy, market orientation, expert opinion and knowledgeable information. The Pet Boarding Service Industry Report is an in-depth study analyzing the current state of the Pet Boarding Service Market. It provides a brief overview of the market focusing on definitions, classifications, product specifications, manufacturing processes, cost […]

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Dogs during this pandemic

April 21, 2020

Only a few people take the time and effort required to feed the stray dogs during the lockdown period. The number is even smaller when it comes to taking care of injured animals. However thanks to people like A. Rangathan, a 63-year-old retired policeman and his neighbour S. Yovel, a class VI student, dogs in […]

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Barfield Elementary’s School Dog

April 21, 2020

What started as an incentive to introduce the students at Tommie Barfield Elementary to understanding students and adults with disabilities, morphed into something much bigger, better and far-reaching. As the then-principal, there was an awareness spreading across the country of the benefit of service dogs, not only for adults with disabilities, but also for children. […]

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Can dogs smell the virus?

April 21, 2020

  In the past, dogs have been trained to smell and detect malaria in humans at a rate exceeding WHO standards for testing. Now Bloomberg reports, hopeful scientists in London are hoping they can be trained to do the same with the COVID-19 virus. Bloomberg reporters spoke with scientists at the London School of Hygiene and […]

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Groomer Fights for the Rights

April 21, 2020

While a community of pooches can no longer see through their overgrown fur, the owner of Bubbly Paws spends every day trying to convince the governor’s office to designate dog grooming an essential business. “Regular grooming is not just about looking great; it is a vital part of keeping pets healthy,” Keith Miller says. He […]

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‘Super puppies’

April 21, 2020

Tom Loy of Tallgrass Gordon Setters sits by the whelping box, where a litter of three-day-old setter puppies navigate their tiny universe from behind closed eyes. One by one, Loy lifts the puppies from the box and runs them through a series of brief exercises. When he is finished, the puppies go back into the […]

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Pets of the Art World

April 17, 2020

Perhaps the only beneficiaries of the pandemic today are pets, who are suddenly getting around-the-clock attention while their owners work from home. And the joys are mutual: With their fluffy cuddles, unconditional love, and inability to talk back, pets make great quarantine companions for people, too. We asked art world insiders to share pictures of […]

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Service pup in training

April 17, 2020

It’s not easy being a service-puppy-in-training during Shelter-in-Place. Puppy raisers Kurt and Kristy Handrich can only socialize 5-and-half-month- old Sammi with other dogs and trainers on Zoom. She can’t sniff other canine and practice her manners in restaurants. “Puppies have certain periods they should be socialized in, and we are hoping she won’t miss it. […]

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Kind act

April 17, 2020

As essential service workers, Auckland Council Animal Management Officers are going above and beyond their normal duties as the COVID-19 lockdown continues. For Animal Management Officer Janine Murdoch, working through the pandemic is proving challenging – but rewarding. While on patrol last week, Janine spoke with the Ōrākei Marae gate warden who admitted the marae’s […]

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Pups and People

April 17, 2020

In an effort to combat loneliness amid social isolation, the Animal Farm Foundation’s “Pets Together” program aims to virtually connect pets and people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through these connections, the foundation hopes to bring lovable animals to those who require some fluffy company, offering visitors—who range from elderly folks looking for companionship to doctors […]

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Furry friends

April 17, 2020

Has it been a while since you’ve trekked to your favorite dog bakery? Or even went on an extended walk due to social distancing? Well, if you’re looking for a way to get your four-legged kiddo’s spirits up, they’d be quite a lucky dog to retreat at this Indianapolis daycare. “Literally, if the dogs are […]

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Dogs Trust Ireland offers

April 17, 2020

Aimed at workers who might be worried about their pet’s wellbeing as they work long shifts at hospital and care centres around the country, the initiative is being set up to offer them “peace of mind”. Some staff members with dogs are suddenly unable to tend to them at all for the majority of the […]

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