Angel nick name Angel Baby
On our way to visit family in CO Sept. 2020. Drove there and rented a cabin each night at KOA campsites. We put the back seat down so while my husband drove sometimes I would sit up front but most of the time I laid with Angel in the cozy nest we had made back there of blankets and pillows. My adult son lives at 9,000 alt. in the mountains of a small town. Angel had a great time making friends with my sons dog Baily. He has several hummingbird feeders up around his yard. At first Angel was quite confused about the tiny birds flitting around. She sat by my side watching the birds then looking at me. But after a short while she got used to them. My son had made a wellness visit with his vet for Angel. We wanted to interduce her and us and have us in their records in case anything did happen. They were so kind and friendly. Everyone who worked there came out to see our Angel. We were also told what symptom’s to look for in regards to altitude sickness. Angel did great on the trip.

Service Dog Registration
Breed: Rhodesian Lab Mix.
Delaware, United States
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