Active Registrations
This is the page where all registrations will appear which will simply look like posts. we should allow sorting and search ability.
Admin will be able to control what is shown here. Chances are it will be most of the data from initial registration form dog name breed owners name etc
When a id card is made that will be the default image for the post. (id cards are mandatory like the other site) so in theory everyone will have one but since we have a boatload of data from the existing database already we will use whatever image is in the database.
When results page post is clicked we will have another page with ???? Again for seo.. maybe allow dashboard feature to upload more pics and make comments for each pic? User can show off their dog in their vest or in action (something like that) which would be great for seo.
If no image exists in the database we will have a set default image that will appear (like fishy business)