Therapy Dog Registration for Sadie
Sadie is an amazing dog. Great Pyrenees are natural born protectors, and lovers of all things. She had a rough life before we found her, and she knows she\\\’s a lucky girl. She spent most of her young life outside on a chain or locked in a garage or basement. She was heartworm positive as well due to the neglect of her owners. Normally dogs with this type of neglect and lack of socialization can have behavioral problems, but not this girl. She is the sweetest, most gentle, intuitive, compassionate, playful, affectionate dog I have ever met, and I am so blessed to be with her. I started taking her to my work where she sits with metal health patients. I love to see people light up when she walks in the room. She sits at their feet, or puts her head in their lap and wags her tail violently, like she knows they need a hug!
ADA#: 207178
Owner: Jennifer Pearson-McClean
Breed: great pyrenees
Country: United States
State: Indiana
Dog Training Status: My Dog Requires No Training (Emotional Support) *
Registration Type: Therapy Dog Registration
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