Axel my saving grace
Axel thinks he’s part human. He keeps me safe and helps me get up when I fall. He comforts me and keeps me calm. Having Axel is keeping me off depression medication. Axel is my saving grace.
Axel my saving grace
Axel thinks he’s part human. He keeps me safe and helps me get up when I fall. He comforts me and keeps me calm. Having Axel is keeping me off depression medication. Axel is my saving grace.
6 month old beautiful German Shepherd
This is Sky. She is my 6 month old German e. She’s leash trained, potty trained, doggy door trained, and she sleeps through the night. She’s training right now to be my service dog. I feel so blessed to have her.
Sadie Mae Budke
Sadie Mae is trained to alert Travis for medical issues. She is 6 years old and is likes to make friends. She is always at Travis side.
Niko’s second birthday
Niko birthday he’s pictured here with my 8 yr old. We baked him a pup safe cake accompanied by ice cream and he enjoyed it!!
Princess Buttercup
Picture was taken in Lovell Canyon Nevada in 2021. She is watching me make dog leashes. She likes to (try) catch the lizards. She’s to slow
?? Gracie ??
My protector?
My baby girl
Protects me
Takes care of me
Makes life in a wheelchair a little bit more manageable.
That God for Service Animals
Omega Photo 1, at the park in Lombard, IL
Omega laying down like a good boy at the Commons Park in Lombard, IL
Heart Melting Pitbull
This is Kardi aka “Kardi V” the day of our big move from Dallas! I think she was more excited than me, like she knew what was going on. She usually works prefer to sit in the back, but this day she hopped in the front.
She absolutely loves going places with me to keep my anxiety and stress down. I don’t know what I’d do without her, she’s not just a dog…..She’s my PEACE!! I love my 4-legged daughter!!!
Shandee F1 sheepadoodle FEMALE
DOB 4/20/2019
This is my beloved service dog. She is trained for mobility and PTSD. She means the world to me. If you find her and track this tag please contact me immediately
Jeaine McGlone
10826 Austin ST NE BLAINE MN 55449
The Boss Man Boston
Boston is such a blessing to me and my family. He has a very decreet attitude and is loved by everyone. He’s a God sent companion that will always be with me
Rosco Great Dane
Great Dane Rosco was born September 2019. He has been a great addition to the family and a lot of help to my husband .
Miss Rodi at 2 ready for play
Early morning when she wants to play her game of touched you last. She loves people and most other dogs. She’s a pleaser.
Timmy, 15 years old.
Timmy traveling 2016 , he loves going for rides Timmy will be 15 years old this September and he still is very active..he is also on a raw food diet.
Snow day for Choal
When it comes to being a dog he is a great companion to have any day.
“Bailey da Rabbit”..she loves to hop around like a rabbit, so I gave her that fun mName.
Like her sister Kneesa, chillin after a full day of fun is the best thing.I believe in this photo we were getting ready to watch “Tom and Jerry”.
KNEESA..My body warmer
Just chillin with her hedgehog after a day at the groomers. Kneesa loves to go shopping with me,her sister ,Bailey always together, they make the greatest tag team.
Sadie Sweet Girl
Sadie is a long haired Dachsund with reverse ombré ears.
She’s a combination of Sweet & Sassy
Sadie can act like a primadonna one minute, then a total goofball the next.
Lexington full grown
Lexington full grown and on watch doing his duty to protect me and make sure I’m okay.
Best service dog ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Size doesn’t matter
This picture demonstrates no matter how big the object is, Yori is not scared and can/will stay in command until otherwise told.