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Our Princess Daisy Jane

Daisy loves to sit outside in the grass and watch the squirrels and birds and an occasional rabbit or deer

Our Princess Daisy Jane

Daisy loves to sit outside in the grass and watch the squirrels and birds and an occasional rabbit or deer

Our Princess Daisy Jane

Daisy loves to sit outside in the grass and watch the squirrels and birds and an occasional rabbit or deer

Our Princess Daisy Jane

Daisy loves to sit outside in the grass and watch the squirrels and birds and an occasional rabbit or deer

My beautiful girl Emrald Bay.

Emrald Bay is the most awesome gir . She knows before I do when something’s not right and prompts me to sit dow . I love her so very much.

Bear Bertani AKA Baby Beast

Just Bear being a brilliant service animal ,happy as he always is, the most calm and loving German Shephard in the entire world !

Service Dog ?‍? Goldendoodle

Dr Zeus hamming for the camera. see the love and devotion in his eyes?

He loves to chase golf balls on the green, Then he brings them inside to hide like Raster eggs!

Frankie giving good face

Frankie with his cap – what a sweet face.  Frank is the reason I get up & go he gives me a reason and I love him more & more every day.

Bailey getting ready to work

Bailey getting ready to work he is a very very good boy and hard worker he helps me with ptsd and anxiety and depression by alerting me before I have a panic attack or a nightmare after he gives deep pressure therapy which gives a weighted blanket effect

Hi my name is Daizy

On May 17th, 2021 Daizy turned a year old! We brought her home when she was 2 months and since the first day she has been by my side taking care of my mental health. Isn’t she so adorable?

Go UConn Women Basketball

Kizzie is now 12 and in good health. She is very loving and easy going.  As a puppy she had the energy of a team of sled dogs.

Hoping to have our Portuguese Water Dog for years to come….a true blessing

Princess Nilla May Rahn

This is our beautiful, blind, fostered, and then adopted rescued Jack Russell terrier. She loves her ball because she can hear it as it rolls and she can move it with her nose. She is like a soccer player with her ball and is obsessed with it.

One flap down LOL

Neil is 11 years old we rescued him when he was one. He is the best dog I’ve EVER had and my sons first dog. ❤️

Majestic Mishka

Mishka loves being at my side on all terrains.

She’s always gotta have her eyes on me.

She’s the best service dog ever! You can feel her concern for me where ever we go.



Harley May 2021

11 months old in this photo. I’m not sure how to accomplish 100 words but I can ramble like nobody’s business! Yay! Talking away about how my dog is 11 months old in this photo taken in May 2021.

Former Victoria man’s diabetic alert dog helps him get back to life

When Luke Hengen’s diabetes worsened in his early twenties, it stripped him of the outdoor activities where the country kid felt at home.

Countless wilderness adventures and years of hard-fought football games took a toll on his body, to the point where he could no longer sense when his blood sugar was too high or low. He felt like life was closing in on him and he wasn’t confident going off into nature alone or working in his job as a carpenter.

That changed when the former Victoria man got Logan, a Dog Guides Canada yellow lab who’s trained to alert him when his levels are off.

When Hengen was 20, he was hospitalized after passing out after a lengthy hike. He knew he needed to make a change for his own safety.

“Had that event happened when I was still out in the woods, there’d be no saving grace for myself,” he said. He eventually decided to go the service-dog route and about a year later, he was on a plane to Oakville, Ont. to get Logan.

A month later, the two went on their first nature outing, a deer scouting trip near Mount Arrowsmith. That’s where Hengen saw Logan dive into his service dog responsibilities, but it was also where the two became extensions of one another. Logan’s natural hunting and tracking instincts made it as if their thoughts were picking up where the other’s left off while they ventured through the woods.

“The personality was an exact match for myself,” Hengen said. “That first summer spent with Logan was some of the most fun I think I’ve ever had.”

The connection is indescribable, Hengen says, and only by seeing the tandem in seamless action can one understand. They’re never far apart, whether that’s on the job site, as Logan’s fetching dropped tools and climbing ladders behind Hengen, or just relaxing after a long day.

“He’s sitting there on the couch snoring just as loud as I am, it’s really a perfect pairing,” he said.

But when Logan senses his owner’s levels are off, he’s on him like a “bad habit,” pestering Hengen and nipping at his heels until he corrects his blood sugar.

“The school trains him to raise a paw and just pat you, but Logan was never really good with that one so he just jumps full on me, springs right for the chest, letting me know ‘you’re dyin’ son.’”

Hengen used to worry about having a low-blood-sugar episode while working several stories up. But having Logan by his side and monitoring his levels, those job site worries that dogged him faded away.

“He was just flying, running across ladders, across joists, he’s a better carpenter than most I see on sites,” he said.

My Dodo birdy❤️

My beautiful dog Zoe??❤️?

She was born on July 30th 2019, she has 4 white paws and 1 brown paw. She is very shy of other people and VERY protective of me and her daddy (my husband). She is perfect❤️ She is so spoiled. She comes to “Zoe”, “Dodo”, “Dodo birdy”, “Zoe bear” & in a high pitched voice; “MY BAAABYYY”.

My Dodo birdy❤️

My beautiful dog Zoe??❤️?

She was born on July 30th 2019, she has 4 white paws and 1 brown paw. She is very shy of other people and VERY protective of me and her daddy (my husband). She is perfect❤️ She is so spoiled. She comes to “Zoe”, “Dodo”, “Dodo birdy”, “Zoe bear” & in a high pitched voice; “MY BAAABYYY”.

My Christmas present my gift of life

one of his Christmas photos he’s so handsome my little chili bean he is 4 years and 9 months old he is a very happy dog and he makes my life better and we are a lot a like we are very close he’s my baby 

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