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Words can’t explain…..

But these pictures should give you an idea of how blessed I am. Lil mama is Truly One of a Kind . Always keeps me smiling……. and laughing…….. and most of all,.,… Living.

Ayla Babe Support Dog

Ayla Babe is my emotional support animal that helps with my anxiety disorder.  She helps with public anxiety and decreases the chance of me having a panic attack or becoming overwhelmed in a public place

Peaceful and quiet

A day of outside rest with friends. He is always observing his surroundings in deep thought.  This is one of these days to relax

Maggie Michael diabetic alert dog.

This is Maggie my best friend and companion.She is the very best friend I have.

Ms Diva! All this prettiness

This is my furbaby!  She loves people and especially babies! She’ll even turn in circles and dance for you with her painted ?nails!

Bella Bean Medical Support Animal

Bella Bean is a brown, tan, and black Pomchi mix. She is my Medical Support Animal and family member. Please contact me at (425) 240-5720 if found, thank you.  ~ Wanda Rowland

Bella Bean Pomchi Mix Medical Support Animal

Bella Bean is my Medical Support Animal. She is very important to me and my family. Please call (425) 240-5720 and speak to Wanda if found. Thank you!

Bella Bean Medical Support Animal

Bella Bean is a Pomchi mix who is a Medical Support Animal that assists with owner’s PTSD and other physical illness. Please call (425) 240-5720 and speak to Wanda if Bella Bean has been found.

RAZZY BANTA lazy day

RAZZY BANTA 06/04/2021. My  ADA for my mental disorder. She is a Black Mouth Cur. She is 7 1/2 years old. She is a very loving and caring dog. If I start to get depressed, have an anxiety attack or a mood swing she will crawl up in my lap and put her head on my chest till I calm down.

Cherokee service dog

Cherokee is a sweet natured dog always one to greet anyone loves people she’s a certified seeing eye dog and a assisted pick up dog.

Princess Leia like Star Wars

Leia is 8 years old.

shihtzu and loves chicken.

She loves to play fetch


Sweetest baby ever

This little girl helped mend my heart at a time I needed it.  She just keeps me calm and sane.  She comes to me when I need her..

Blueberry perfect

I love you beach , flights , I loved my mom ,my dada my big brother, Pellucci boyfriend’s. Tks god for myself my family. Omg I’m amazing  Brazil ??

Tasty snowflake

It’s charcoals first time in the snow with his new Parka and he was catching snowflakes on his tongue lol

Baby boy lux 4 months old

Lux is a sweetheart, he’s the brother of 3 cats ?.  He loves to cuddle and play! He’s right by your side everywhere you go. He’s a 4 month old terrier mix.

Yoda enjoying sun

Yoda enjoys being in the sun

he is a Chi chi Half Chinese crested and half Chihuahua As he has poor hairless that is why he enjoys being in the sun for the warmth

Panna’s 2nd Birthday

She is such a good girl and I’m so proud of her.  When I need her to be by my side she is there for me every time.

Sweet Hollygirl

Holly is a very sweet, friendly girl.  Loves people, but is afraid of other dogs.  Likes to sleep on my bed pillows after I get up in morning.

Da Aries is always ready to be great

My son just being him even in his relaxed state. Aries is the type of dog that does not bark and just wants others to spoil or play with him all the day long.


Maxamus is my big fuzzy baby he helps me when I’m sad and helps me when I feel alone he loves to eat snacks and snoring  is his past time 

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