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It’s my Birthday today

It’s my birthday today and my mommie made me a doggie birthday cake and I got gifts..I got peanut butter snack treats, and two adorable toys I can chew on and play with with my mommies and grandmama

Coco at Salisbury beach

Coco at Salisbury beach having a great weekend and being silly and loving her day out with her family and enjoying her time at the beach

AG resolves case after Tucson business allegedly refused service to veteran with service dog

A civil rights case involving a service animal in Tucson has been settled by the Arizona Attorney General’s Office.
TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) — A civil rights case involving a service animal in Tucson has been settled by the Arizona Attorney General’s Office.

In March 2020, a veteran filed an Arizona with Disabilities Act complaint of discrimination against P’Nosh Deli and Catering Company/Old Father Inn, according to the AGO. The establishment allegedly refused to serve the veteran, and ordered him to leave because of his disability and his service dog, according to the AGO.

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Upon resolving the case, the establishment will pay monetary damages to the veteran, civil penalties, and donate to an organization that trains service animals for veterans, according to the AGO. The establishment will also carry out anti-discrimination policies and fulfill service animal training.

“The Arizonans with Disabilities Act protects individuals with disabilities from unequal treatment and denial of services,” said Attorney General Mark Brnovich. “No person, especially our heroic veterans, should be barred from enjoying our great Arizona establishments because he or she needs a service animal.”

By: Maria AreyPosted at 4:10 PM, Jun 28, 2021 and last updated 9:30 PM, Jun 28, 2021

Vivian, a year later

This was taken more than a year after we got her. She has gained weight nicely and is looking great. When we first got her, she was showing signs of having been abused. Now she is showing less of those dreadful. Signs and looks a lot better.


My baby Princess


Neo Crapps Photo

Only 1 Year old and wow has he change my life for the better.

He knows what I’m thinking and what I’m feeling before I do just amazing.


Arthur is being trained to serve to ground Elizabeth when in public. He will be taught how to identify when she becomes stressed and overwhelmed, preventing cognitive shutdown and panic attacks. He will be trained to ground Elizabeth by remaining in one place, scratching me to gain her attention, and insist Elizabeth sit with him.

Aubie Tiger Goolsby

my best friend, my rock, my comforter, my protector, my whole ?, she is by my side every step I take and my smuggler every night! #blessedandthankful #cantdolifewithouther

Griffin Domingo photo

Griffin is a blonde cockapoo that weighs approx 18 lbs. Born in Dec. 5, 2014. Distinctive command is “wave” with a paw up in the air

My boy Stewie loving hanging at the beach

This picture was taken at the beach. We try and go to the beach 3 times a day. I am retired, so it’s not too difficult to do. I live in RI otherwise we would live on the beach.

Willow my puppy

Willow is a mutt series dog and she is very helpful to me in my every day life. She has been a part of my family for about three years now and she’s great.

Great Service Dog

Great service dog due to my cancer.  He is a great support and service for me during my cancer treatments, and is always there for me.

I love her so much

Best Dog Ever Sitting ,waiting for the pizza to arrive so we can go home. She loves home. We go to the lake every weekend and when we head home she is ready !

Calliope aka Cara

Relaxing after playing ball/fetch, her favorite play time thing to do. Only thing that she loves to play more is ball/fetch in the lake!

Hot Summer Days

After a tough day of sniffing butts and chasing tail, its nice to be able to just lounge on the couch and watch a little TV to unwind

Just Sitting Pretty

When mama (aka Sadie) says sit, Baxter doesn’t mess around. Sitting pretty so his mama can take this picture. He’s always looking for ways to make mama happy, but him just by her side makes her the happiest ten year old in the world.

Juliets birthday

She is the light of my life.















Scrappy the medical assist wonder dog

Scrappy is my essential medical companion for my brain disorder. She helps me focus outside of myself when my brain becomes agitated

Jasper the Hero

Jasper feels when I am on the verge of a seizure and knows just what to do to help me through it, he is my hero

His cute little self

Leo is not only a emotional dog but a rescue dog.  He is so great in knowing when we need him. With the littlest excitement he is a ball of happiness.

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