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Radar on Table While Exercise

I was exercising and turned around to find him on this table. He let me take this picture. He likes to put his ball on this table and push it off and go get it.

The ID came without Picture

Hi there!

Good Morning!

Im writing to you because the ID card from my Emotional Support Yukie Neukirchner (Registration Number 174469) came without her picture.

I’m sending the uploaded Picture again so that you can send me her ID with her picture

Thank you in Advance,Lazara Neukirchner

Mommy and me having a great day

We were havibg a good day. we love going for drives. We drive around with Daddy every day. Canada is such a beautiful place to live.

Louie being Louie

We had his DNA tested and his results were amazing! We were told at the time of rescue, he was a Great Dane mix. Yeah, obviously…

MIA – My Best Friend

My best friend Mia is a Catahoula/Rhodesian Ridgeback mixed breed. She is 7 years old and loves me and everyone she meets.
She does well with other dogs but does not like cats.
Mia helps me with my PTSD, anxiety, and also looks after me if I start to have a epileptic seizure. I am on medication for my epilepsy.

Ready for my close up

Here’s Yogi having his close up on picture day. 1st time allowing him onto the bed. So cute, mama’s baby.😘😘😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰🥰

My sweet baby girl

Jazzy is such a sweet and lovable little girl. She loves it when I read books to her and I sing to her when she is trying to fall asleep.

ShuangXi’s Picture for Service Dog

BC’s Guide Dog and Service Dog Act. 

New recliner cover

Sausha has always been the inspector of all new things added to her home. She is breaking in the new recliner cover with her milk bone!

Young Lady Sausha

Sausha is her Mom’s best friend. Sausha always helps me no matter how sick or upset I feel. I have a best friend in my little girl. She protects Sam,her brother from another Mother and her human Mother.

Hello Just taking a break from working

Apollo is fun and loving. Most smartest dog and humble. He is a dog give his utmost service to me everyone. Thanks Apollo. I got him from a veteran in October 2019 was just starting my school at Tstc in Marshall Texas.

Moose in her vest

Moose loves to sport her yellow vest when we go to the park! She loves to sit on the bench and watch everyone enjoy their day as well!

Baby Face Nuala

This picture shows Nuala in her natural state between  sleep and real potential mayhem; you just can’t tell what’s on the other side of that face…

Beautiful girl.

March 14, 2017.  Hannah was 7 months old when I got her and within a couple of days she saved my life plus totally calmed me down during a very serious panic attack.  We were broke down on the side of the road in -26 degree weather.  I thought they were going to find us frozen solid and I was really freaking out to the point of almost hysterical.  Finally, Hannah just threw herself across my chest and stayed there (probably to warm herself, but it’s my story and I’m sticking to it) which immediately calmed me down and kept us both warm until help arrived!!  She has since saved me a few more times from a very drunk ex-husband coming at me to a girl trying to stab me!!  I’ve never had such a connection with a dog.  Sometimes I think she takes care of me more than I do her. Very protective of me.

ID Official Photo

Picture for the ID Card. Under 1 year old, all vaccinations and exams updated. Taken after initial training and successful medical alerts.

Roxy Antoine Updated Photo

Updated photo of Roxy Antoine almost one year old. Roxy has blue eyes. One eye is mix of green brown and blue. All white coat


Happy is a diabetic service dog, who is very active in Agility, Obedience and other scent related work

This is my beautiful best friend Karma

This picture is one of many pictures of my beautiful baby girl, I don’t know if I would have made it through alot of things in my life that I have without her being by myside

Playing fetch to hard had to take a dip in the family fountain

Rambo loves to play fetch so much. He will run until his feet bleed he loves it so much (not literally) but he loves taking a dip on a hot day in the family fountain.

Playing fetch to hard had to take a dip in the family fountain

Rambo loves to play fetch so much. He will run until his feet bleed he loves it so much (not literally) but he loves taking a dip on a hot day in the family fountain.

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