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Rusty my little man

 This is Rusty outside watching me and making sure I’m safe.  He is an amazing companion for me.   He knows, via his medical/PTSD/Mental health when to jump in and help me.

Sugar looking good 2021

Sugar is wanting her momma or the other way around.  She is so cute.
Sugar is a white 10 pound Multipoo who was born 2-2-2008

Selah Gets Under Any Table

Selah is very well trained for all sorts of outings. Including any restaurant we may decide to dine. She is never seen unless we are leaving or on our way to our table.

The Name of Our School.

The Obediance School for Service Dogs or well behaved pets. We have trained over 121 canines at this point and preparing to train a guide dog for someone with vision issues.

Selah at 3 years of age.

Easter 2021, Selah received her favorite motivational toy. She is very impressive and attracts attention everywhere she goes.

Zac photo ready

Zac helps with my seizures and PTSD. He also uses pressure therapy.  And he does amazing with my anxiety. He also is really good with autism individuals, I’m on the autism spectrum myself.  He has saved my life more then I can count!

Jackson 2021 one year old

Jackson February 2021 one year of age. English Cream Golden Retriever. Nevelle Creek Goldens Robbinsville North Carolina

Tactical Service Vest

This is Attie in her new vest. I traded in her traditional service vest for a tactical one. She has a leash to match. We love new products.

Up-standing dog

This picture shows how intelligent and the attitude of Sofia. We have a big connection and love. She’s a caring dog to me.

I’m tired from working.

How he helps me. Dozer helps me especially when I need to go out to the stores,I would feel like everyone was looking at me and judging me saying things about me and people would laugh at me. When Dozer is with me I feel like I don’t have to worry about it because I have him I have to take care of him. I will pick him up and put him in the basket and talk with him and I will reach out and hug him than I would just pet him. Even when we go for walks I can feel good about it and not feel I’m scared all the time. He just makes my life more full and happier. He seems to help the rest of my family as well. Natalie is my daughter she was scared of dogs for good reasons dozer help her get over her fear and helps her with her emotions as well she will come and get him they play together and they will cuddle then she brings him back and goes to work. He does the same with the rest of the house hold. He helps my husband as well. He is so adorable and cute.

Pretty pretty girl

This is my pretty girl Nahla. She was helping me change the oil in my mother’s car. She helps me through so much in my life. I don’t know what i would do with out her.

Just Being Luckey

luckey most relaxing position sitting in the living room looking out the patio window, while still having access to looking down the hall watching me.

Just Being Luckey

luckey most relaxing position sitting in the living room looking out the patio window, while still having access to looking down the hall watching me.

My baby who can save me

This baby helps me deal with life and i cant be with out her because i freak out with out her with me

Toblerone Toby Boone

Toby is a well trained emotional support/companion Labrador Retriever he is trained in ASL (American sign language)  he loves morning cuddles playing fetch and his passion is shiny things.

Toblerone Toby Boone

Toby is a well trained emotional support/companion Labrador Retriever he is trained in ASL (American sign language)  he loves morning cuddles playing fetch and his passion is shiny things.

Toblerone Toby Boone

Toby is a well trained emotional support Labrador retriever/companion he is also trained and understands ASL (American Sign Language) Toby is a gentle loving boy his favor things are cuddles in the morning and playing fetch he also has a passion for shiny things..

I have bipolar I have anxiety I’ve had there for my family three of them and I’m very anxious I have artificial hips my dog helps me to keep my balance he helps me to feel calm and relaxed I don’t feel so anxious and always nervous my dog helped me in so many ways.

This is my dog my baby sleeping in the bed. He loves to sleep he loves to play he’s very helpful he’s a happy-go-lucky fella he helps me in so many ways this is him sleeping he enjoys watching TV with me he succumbs when I’m feeling anxious he can feel any comes and lays beside me and I pet him and I calm down he helps me so many ways especially that I have artificial fake hips he helps with my balance

Trina pic buu hi dfuiyy

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Doggy is beautiful girl

Emotional support puppy pitbull red nose ❤️

Helps me cope with stress and my PTSD. Extremely friendly, playful, active puppy. She also loves peanut butter and carrot cookie pero shaped treats🍪

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