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Good Boy hanging out at Grandmas

He loves my Mom. She is alone. He gives comfort to her since my dad died. My mother even wants him on her Christmas cards. She does not own a dog.

He is the most loving and caring dog ever.. he helps me stay calm, and not so ocd.

This is him being photo energetic.  He loves being in photos most days..

He is my little hero

He was so sad that I was going to work at the same time he acted all cool about it

Fluffy age 5, 2019

Fluffy is 5 years old in this picture he is in his pj’s, on Christmas  Eve 2019. Waiting for Santa to come. 

Daisy loving life

A day we got out of school early and took a much needed break and fresh air!

Torino is a therapy dog for Children North ECIP

Torino is a wonderful dog who is amazing with everyone he meets. He loves to cuddle and has the ability to detect seizures. He spends his days playing on the slide and climbing with kids who have special needs.

My funny companion

He could not come in to my parents house as they have a cat that would not be happy it’s that. So he jumped on the table they have out on the deck, this way he could see through the screen door and the window. Smart boy.

Hemi works with kids who have special needs at Children North ECIP

She loves to play ball and run with the kids. Hemi is gentle and patient and loves everyone. She plays in the therapy room daily with the children.

Lilly for president

She’s just sitting there helping me calm down after a panic attack. Such a good girl and deserves all the belly rubs. I would be so lost without her

Chula my emotional support dog

Chula is very good at keeping me calm after going through breast cancer .. I don’t know what I would do without her .

Mushu – Service Animal

This is Mushu, my lhasa apso.  He is 8.5 months hold.  He is scheduled to receive training beginning this weekend.  He is my service animal.

Athena to the Doctors

Athena’s first time in the snow and going to the doctors with me for my anxiety is extremely high as well as my PTSD.

Athena to the Doctors

Athena’s first time in the snow and going to the doctors with me for my anxiety is extremely high as well as my PTSD.

Thanks to my little 😇 the anxiety that I feel daily is leveled through the strength of my Mitsey. She knows just how to comfort me and when to do so.

This is Mitsey, my guardian angel, in the past six years my life changed drastically and I didn’t know how to deal with it.  When I got Mitsey, all that changed. Some how she knows just how to sooth and calm me, I never thought that a Being so small could do such Great deeds.  Thank you my Mitsey.

K9 officer & search & rescue

Dakota 1 year old ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The giant Andre

Just an update from the last time I had taken a picture. He is laying on the bathroom floor just chilling with his mommy on the bath matt

Daisy backside has a zig zag

One of her markings………………………………………………………………………….

Caesar Salad Jones

Captain Caesar loves boating. He loves the outdoors. He is a good boy. He takes his job of assisting very seriously. He is nice to all animals.

Marley Marie Shelly

This is Marley before her second birthday. She is the sweetest dogg you could meet and loves people. She is my ride or die and i wouldnt trade her for the world and/ or all the money in it

Athena and Myself ❤️

VERY vocal, VERY affectionate and sometimes comes off as alarming. However Athena means no harm to humans, other animals are definitely something she needs to work on. She helps me with my anxiety & depressive episodes, she calms me and makes me feel safe.

Sir Bentley XIV

Bentley 2 y/o…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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