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Buddy off Duty without his vest

Loves to sun himself it seems to sooth his itchy skin. He loves to rub up against things like buildings and sofas and legs and anything that will help scratch him

Grrr at 4th of July

For being such a small guy he helps me carry a lot of emotions. In crowded areas or just seeing lines of people, he helps bring my anxiety down just by looking at me or giving me his paw. Without him I would constantly panic. He really is the best companion I could ask for.

Nina’s Nuñez new look for 2021

Hi I’m Nina Nuñez, I am now 17 months old and I weigh 9 pounds. I love to be petted and get belly rubs. I comfort my owner by being with her sitting on her lap in her recliner and we keep each other warm. When I wake I wait for a tear drops pills for stains around my eyes and a dental stick for my teeth before I go outside to potty. Everyone loves me especially when I get my bows after my grooming!

Luna photo updated

Luna have brought me comfort and company to my life  She goes everywhere I go. Luna helps me get through the days & night of depression!.

Nina Nuñez new look for 2021

Hi I’m Nina, I am now 17 months old and I weigh 9 pounds already. I am playful and I love to be petted and belly rubs.

Sweet not naughty

Santa knows everything but I am really nice not naughty.  I love senior’s.  I miss them because of CoVid I have not been able to visit.  Hope its over soon. Be safe.

Always ready ti assist my mom

She is always very loving and very aware of me.
she loves being  close to me.

it’s an amazing company always doing new things to get my attention

Always ready ti assist my mom

She is always very loving and very aware of me.
she loves being  close to me.

it’s an amazing company always doing new things to get my attention


She’s beautiful, she’s fun, loving and always happy. She has the best personality in the world. She loves to play in the water and enjoy everyone’s company. We love her. My granddaughter loves playing with other animals and loves the cat.——————-/////////——-/—/—/////////////////….//..

Bingly Hideaway

Here he is in the Sleeping Cat structure in his first year. But regardless it’s still the nicest photo of him. When he got past the puppy phase

Boo Ballard mom’s baby

Boo when he was about a year old. He is a peek a poo and is very loving and friendly but he is starting to get very protective of me and will now growl if he doesn’t like the look of a person but he doesn’t try to bite he just growls.

Boo Ballard mom’s baby

Boo when he was about a year old. He is a peek a poo and is very loving and friendly but he is starting to get very protective of me and will now growl if he doesn’t like the look of a person but he doesn’t try to bite he just growls.

Douglas my rock

She calms me every day. Multiple times a day. This is Douglas taking a break from keeping watch over me. She also cares a lot

Skyler in Minden Ontario

Skyler and Sparkle are Checked in Minden Motel  in Minden Ontario Canada  helping me as my Stress relief in my Day Care Projecr

Zeus is my forever

Zeus is my forever boy..he’s watched me go through a lot of health problems including a stroke and he’s been right here with me through it all 

Sparkle in Minden

Sparkle and Skyler was Checked in Minden Motel in Minden Ontario 🇨🇦  Canada on Summer time and helping me as my Stress Reliever in My Day Care Project


Melbourne sitting in my truck ready for a drive. He enjoys sitting with his majestic stance. Ready to go up on the trails nearby

Tommy- October 2020

October 2020- good face photo with sunflower.

Most up-to-date clear photo of him.

See black/white colouring and shaggy hair.

What he looks like ‘smiling’

Investigation Mode

Copper, 3.5 years old. This is his “investigation” stance. He’s a great protector, although very friendly and gentle with those that he is familiar with.

Lady Bird in the Flowers

Lady on our front lawn recently in the summertime.  She is beautiful and shy but loves her owners and other dogs she lives with.


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