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Remington Bradshaw

Very friendly, but will run very quickly towards squirrels, other dogs, cats, etc. He will not bite them – just likes the chase.
He will respond to his name, Treat, Sit, Give me your paw, car-car.
please call 905-550-9420 if found and he will be picked up ASAP.


Roxie going Kayaking with her parents. She loves looking at the fish and experiencing the calming water. She helps me with my anxiety when other people or boaters are around.

Daisy after grooming

Daisy all fuzzy after grooming January 12 2021 she came out fuzzy and cleaned up

no more sneezing a slight cough she’ll be 16 this year

Willy On chair 2021

Willy after grooming On January 12 2021 she did something weird with his ears looks weird

next appt in may 11

Recent Photo 14mos old

It is a very recent photo from today actually. 01-14-21. He is not neutered, he’s 14 mos old. We support each other we are all very anxious 24/7.

Recent Photo 14mos old

It is a very recent photo from today actually. 01-14-21. He is not neutered, he’s 14 mos old. We support each other we are all very anxious 24/7.

Tommy’s Head shot picture

Head shot of Tommy.  Tommy was approx 3 years old at the age when this picture was taken.  It took several times to take the picture because he kept trying to lick the camera.

Roxy, my beautiful girl

Relaxing on her mommy on a quiet sunday afternoon, she is so sweet

She takes care of all the family even her little brother chewy


Oliver January 2021

January 2021 .. Oliver might only have 1 eye but he gets along just fine. He is a good dog and loves to travel. He gets along great with other animals.

Working dog in the fall

He loves to dance and play in the leaves.

wearing his favourite outfit and ready to trim and cut some trees down. letting us know how much fun he is having.

Paxton after left eye surgery

Paxton lost his left eye December 17

he had Adjusted very well, he is happy and doing great.
he wears a blind dog collar

What’s next momma? Are we staying or going?

Rylee awaits my every move. She was checking to see if I was settling in, or was moving on to the next project.

Remi Lynn 3 yo GSD

Remu Lynn.  3yo black & tan GSD.  Born with black spots on tongue. Loves to play with tug ropes, go for walks & snuggle on sofa.

My co pilot Sable

Sable is dog, cat, kid friendly and loves all people. She’s very food motivated and loves playing fetch.

My Aurora on picture day

Beautiful Picture of my baby, my companion . Born in September . She’s truly a wonderful blessing to our family.

Sweet Bully Remi

Remi has turned 1 yrs old and is now a big spoiled baby. She has absolutely changed my thoughts on pit bulls. She isn’t a pet she is like my other child

Penny is the best

She always helps me everywhere I go and she’s always happy to help, and her smile always cheer me up every time. She has so much energy and she helps a lot and if she is  tired, all she got to do is take a nap and she back to 100%. She is also very friendly too  and if she see someone sad or need help you can count on her to be there to help out. She also can help you carry some heavy stuff around if you need need help or she can give you a paw if you can’t open doors etc.

Snuggles Time with Mommy

Minnie knows when her mommy needs that support/comfort. She jumps right up and tries to snuggle me with her little body. She is small, but her snuggles are the best!

Service animal @ rest

Mobility service animal above all else. Beloved family member, then pet…

(In that order)

I love my piki pictures

Loves bacon and going for walks. She’s a loner and protects me at all costs. She doesn’t play well with others and not to find of children. But she definitely loves kenmore than woman.

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