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Ohtis, gremlin

Ohtis may look like a gremlin but he is sweet. His looks often get him characterized as stupid and weird. But he’s not he is amazing.

Oliver is 22 months old

Oliver is 22 months old in this picture. He is active, loving and is very aware when I have an anxiety attack.

Always by my side

After a hair cut she looks beautifu! 💕 wasn’t to happy but felt good she is a princess! Valentina is always watching out for me she makes sure I’m not depressed she like to keep distracted from feeling sad, and most of all she like to keep me occupied with her, not the phone her! Love her 💓

Boe in the leaves.

Took boe outside for walk. Was beautiful day out he encourages me to get out more and loves to play ball. Boe is a very kind dog one of a kind.

Bo Baxter our forever baby

Bo at two years old. Tri color. Male, loves to be with us 100% of the time. Good at alerting us to visitors and things we can not hear. Will calm you down when we get upset or not feeling well. Excellent therapy dog with no training

Lokee R. Trudeau

This is Lokee R. Trudeau from January 2021. He turned three years old on January 7th.  My constant companion and reason I’m able to cope with my anxiety and stress daily.

Side view of Gidget von Digit

This is Gidget with short hair. He was eating when I took this photo which is why his tongue was out of his mouth. He had just come inside from the snow so his hair around his legs and belly are wet

Christmas time!

2020 Christmas , hard year. But she does help to bring a smile to my face. She is now accompanied by her younger brother Mudd.

Winslow so handsome

I love this little guy! He is a savior! Loves to just look at you like “what dad?” He is very silly sometimes but most of all the best dog anyone could ask for!

Winslow so handsome

I love this little guy! He is a savior! Loves to just look at you like “what dad?” He is very silly sometimes but most of all the best dog anyone could ask for!

Rukky Relaxing by the Fire

This is Rukus favourite place to sit when the warm fireplace is going.  It’s his chair and his blanket.  Yes he’s our fur baby.

Dixie the Friendly Dog

Dixie is a dark brown and black flat coat retriever. He is currently 4 years old and is one of the smartest and friendliest dogs we have had the pleasure of owning. He loves to play and run around. He loves to go on walks everyday! Hehas helped me through some of my worst PTSD episodes and helps ground me.

Bella all tuckered out

She just got home from working we went to walmart. She needs a nap. She is my sweetheart n saving grace. She is a whippet a greyhound.

Kimber Staffordshire Terrier

This is Kimber she is very sweet and kind. She is a Staffordshire Terrier who loves to go on hikes and sleep in. She does a perfect job of reminding her mom to take her daily medication.

Ollie boy in the sun

Ollie was out back with me enjoying a sunny day in January 2021 . I had made fried eggplant and he sat with me . That day was like 51 degrees

Our Jadey Girl Camping

This is a picture of our beautiful girl Jadey camping with us. She was so good & enjoyed herself. Can’t wait till we go camping again

Camping with the family

First camping trip in The Grey’s. Bridger-Teton National Forest

From Alpine, Wyoming residence.

With the my niece and her sons.

2 year-old PaoPao

Paopao’s 2 years old birthday photo took in kitchen at home on august eight 2020, waiting for her birthday treat from mommy. She is one of the most important thing in my life that helped me go through the toughest time. Living a life that knowing someone is always waiting for me at home makes me want to stay in this world.

Rory Bluthardt Adult

Adult photo of Rory Bluthardt

German Shepherd

Birthdate 02/28/2018

Owners: Kayla and Mary Bluthardt

(586)872-8782 (586) 343-9564

Emotional Support

Trained in English, very affectionate, very shy, very faithful and calm. Helps with emotional issues including anxiety and major depression. Very bashful 

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