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Falcor loves to help cook!

We typically do weekly meal prep which requires a few hours of kitchen time. Falcor is quite the assistant… if anything hits the floor, she’s quick to clean it up.

Our trip to Chimney Rock, NC

October 2019 we took a trip to the Asheville, NC area. Chimney Rock was one of the places we visited. Falcor was resting here after climbing the hill and all the stairs to the lookout.

Falcor loves her chase lounge

When we’re home and we finish our daily walk and exercise; Falcor loves to nap in her chase lounge. She loves to nest in all the pillows.

Joshua Crosby at home

Joshua Posing at home trying to get our attention to get his favorite snack.  He will sit there and just stare to get our attention.

Adorable, Warmly and Sweet

Cacau is the sweetest dog I’ve ever seen. You re always in a good mood, adore to be among people who pay attention on you…
Love you Cacau to the moon and back ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Lana 🌹Mommies first furbaby 💜

Out for a walk with Mommie💜💜💜

Enjoying the sunshine and making new friends 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Lana 🌹Mommies first furbaby 💜

Out for a walk with Mommie💜💜💜

Enjoying the sunshine and making new friends 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Komett sitting in living room

Komett sitting age 1.5 years old.  He’s apricot in colour, wavy body, curly chest.  Comes when called. Smiles at you if he is happy


Komett sitting in living room

Komett sitting age 1.5 years old.  He’s apricot in colour, wavy body, curly chest.  Comes when called. Smiles at you if he is happy


Komett sitting in living room

Komett sitting age 1.5 years old.  He’s apricot in colour, wavy body, curly chest.  Comes when called. Smiles at you if he is happy


I love to dress up for all the holidays. This is my witches hat that my mommy made for me on Halloween.

I wore this hat for Halloween and was even chosen on the morning news.I love to dress up when I go by by with my mom and daddy. I go to the store and everyone loves it when they see me

Mia provides comfort and calms anxiety

This is Mia showing concern, she is very aware of high anxiety.  Mia provides comfort and eases stress and anxiety, she is a calming companion.

Me and Maisy went to the park

We went to the park to run and play also to do some training of a service dog she did great stay with me even when I let go of her leash

Cookie standard chihuahua

Cookie can detect heart problem and alert owner of possible attacks. She will bark to get help and stay with owner until help arrives.

Daisy (Tinker Bell)

Daisy Apple head chihuahua can detect heart problems and seizures will alert patient of onset and stay with patient until help arrives.

Baby Girl at her new place

This was taken 2 years ago at her new home.  Luna is fixed and trained. Very well behaved dog. She is getting along with large dogs but not friendly with smaller breeds.

Luna loves young kids and teenagers.

Daisy our precious companion

She has the sweetest disposition. She has as much separation anxiety about leaving us as we have about leaving her. Here she is with us running some errands. She was in her second heat and a year and a half old. 🥰

Blaze … My guardian angel

My guardian angel. My baby at home posing He is an amazing addition to our family. He is big but the kindest nices dog you will ever meet


Daisy at 14 weeks old

This was the first day little Miss Daisy came to be with us. She was so precious, curious, slightly timid and very playful.

Nala’s Bedtime =)

Nala getting settled in before bedtime! 🥰 She loves to cuddle up with mama! She is such a mamas girl! 💕 I love her so much!!

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